
Walk this Way festival, 7th September 2024
Salt in the Ouse Valley With Katy Beinart & Mia Taylor. 1.30pm, booking essential. 
This performative walk along the Ouse river will explore the story of salt in the local landscape. Bringing together historical research and speculative fiction, artists Katy Beinart and Mia Taylor will introduce short imaginary pieces at points along the walk to which walk participants are invited to respond, and to think about the landscape at points far in the past and future.
Booking link:

Salt Art Network Workshop Day
18th September 2024
Aarduork, Venice
A day of talks, walks and activities that centre around thinking about the significance and materiality of salt with artists Katy Beinart, Catherine Bertola and Alessio Mazzaro. In partnership with NICHE and TBA21. For booking and further info please contact

Making Place Residency at Fabrica, 30th Sept - 4th Oct 2024
Katy and Rebeeca Beinart will be undertaking a week-long residency at Fabrica as part of their Making Place residency series. They will use their Making Space residency to review their collaborative practice, and specifically ‘Origination’, an ongoing project they began in 2008. Beginning as an investigation into their family history and migrations, growing into a wider project about the materiality, memory, and rituals of migration and diaspora, they have used performance, sculpture, film and other media to explore recreating these lost and invisible heritages.
Artists Talk and Q&A, 3rd October, 6-8pm:

Photo Fringe Webinar event, October 2024
In October there will be further screenings of A Difficult Place (2023), a short film by Katy Beinart and John Edwards in partnerhsip with Phoenix Food Shop and Phoenix Art Spaces, that reveals the true cost of the cost of living crisis, and its devastating effect on individuals. The film will be shown via an online webinar as part of Photo Fringe - further details to follow... For further info please email 

Towner Eastbourne Wriggle Room Residency outcome
Katy Beinart and Lydia Hunt have designed and lead collaborative, creative sessions every Tuesday during term time, from May 2022-July 2024, working with Willingdon Trees Community Centre and Towner to develop activities for Early Years groups and their carers across Eastbourne, as part of the Wriggle Room residency programme. As a final outcome, the artists have designed a unique map of the South Downs which includes artwork made during sessions, activity ideas and stories. The map is available from Towner Eastbourne and online at