Origination is a long term collaborative project by sisters and artists Katy and Rebecca Beinart that explores family history and migration stories, connecting their personal Eastern Eurpean Jewish family background and migrations to other’s journeys and narratives. 

In 2024, Katy and Rebecca had a Making Space residency at Fabrica where they reconfigured their back catalogue of the project and held an artists talk. Further outcomes of the residency will follow this year. 

Recent project work by Katy and Rebecca, including work shown at the Jewish Museum London and Five Years in 2020/21, can be viewed at https://origination-project.info/  

A film of the Correspondences symposium hosted by the Centre for Memory, Narrative and Histories at the University of Brighton in 2021 and featuring Tim Ingold, Ben Gidley and Rachel Garfield responding to the exhibition can be viewed at: https://vimeo.com/630813933

Correspondences Installation, Phoenix Art Space, 2020Correspondences installation, Primary Studios, 2020Aurophone, Origination, 198 CAL, 2011Adaptation, Origination, 198 CAL, 2011Ghostwriting, Origination, Artlink, Hull, 2010Don't Look Back (installation), University of Stellenbosch Gallery, 2010Offere (film still), 2010